Get in touch
Associa Sierra North (ASN)

10509 Professional Circle #200, Reno, NV 89521

Phone: (775) 626-7333; 
Fax: (775) 626-7374

ArrowCreek’s ASN Community Manager:

Jeanne Tarantino, CMCA, AMS, PCAM

Direct Phone: (775) 334-7403

Autumn Festival '24

With the background of a bright sunny day and bags ready to be filled with treats, kids of all ages came to enjoy the fun at the Residents' Center.

Whether it was the "Pumpkin Walk," bounce house, or face painting there was a number of activities waiting for everyone.

Everyone left with some goodies and had some spooky fun.

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Spring Eggstravaganza '24

The blustery weather couldn't deter the Easter Bunny from getting in his rounds.

Neither did the weather didn't stop a few dozen ArrowCreek kids from finding all of his eggs that were left behind.

The fun didn't end with an Easter Egg hunt. There were  photos, crafts, and treats and you had the making for an 'egg-sellent' time.

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